Intraoral Scanner and Digital Impression
In many dentistry treatments, it is necessary to create a model of the teeth by measuring the mouth of the person. However, the classical measurement process is usually a method that triggers the nausea reflex and is very unpleasant. For this reason, today, with the development of technology, intraoral scanners are used instead of classical dental measurements taken from the mouth. In this way, the entire mouth can be scanned and a three-dimensional model of the mouth can be transferred to the computer.
With the intraoral scanner and digital impression device we use in our clinic, we take care to create a comfortable and error-free tooth model.
What are Intraoral Impression Methods?
There are two intraoral impression methods:
- Classic Method: In this method, the patient's mouth measurements are taken with a plaster model. Then, intraoral impressions are transferred to the computer media with an intraoral scanner. However, this method has a high margin of error. Therefore, it should not be preferred as much as possible.
- Intraoral Scanner and Digital Impression Device: Using this device, measurements are taken from the patient's mouth. The measurements taken with 3D modeling are transferred to the computer environment. In this way, it is both a more sensitive and a more error-free method.
What is Intraoral Scanner and Digital Impression?
Intraoral camera and digital impression device is a device that enables the measurement of dental and intraoral measurements with the help of computers and smart intraoral scanners. In addition, the measurements taken with this device ensure that the margin of error is eliminated.
What are the Usage Areas of Intraoral Camera and Digital Impressions?
The usage areas of this device are as follows:
- Laminate veneer preparation
- Inlay filling preparation
- Onlay filling preparation
- Porcelain bridge preparation
- Porcelain crown preparation
- Intraoral impressions
- Dental veneer adjustments
How to Take a Digital Impression with an Intraoral Scanner?
The steps of taking digital impressions with an intraoral camera are as follows:
- The inside of the patient's mouth is scanned with a scanner camera, and three-dimensional measurement is obtained.
- Afterwards, the three-dimensional visual model taken in accordance with the measurements is transferred to the computer environment with a scanner camera.
- The treatment is applied according to the dimensions created with the three-dimensional intraoral model displayed in the computer.
- With this device, the margin of error in taking intraoral impressions is reduced to 1/1000. In this way, it is ensured that design models that fit inside the mouth and teeth are created in prosthesis applications.
Advantages of Using Intraoral Camera and Digital Impressions
The advantages of using intraoral scanner and digital measuring device are as follows:
- Dental treatment times are minimized.
- With the use of intraoral camera and digital measurement, the error rate of dentists and dental technicians is eliminated.
- Patients' expectations about the result of dental treatment and their aesthetic appearance are fully met.
- Reactions such as nausea or vomiting experienced during classical tooth measurement are eliminated.
- The measurement process is completed in a single session.
- The device not only makes the measurement process comfortable, but also saves time.
Frequently asked Questions
Are There Any Dangers of Intraoral Scanner and Digital Imaging Device?
There is no damage of this device.
Are There Any Side Effects of the Device?
This device does not have any side effects.
How to Take Digital Impressions in Dentistry?
With a special camera, it is possible to take measurements from the mouth within minutes. A virtual model is created in the computer environment from the images taken. The design of the tooth is made with a computer program on this virtual model.