The use and appearance of braces raises questions for many patients. Especially due to aesthetic concerns, patients who avoid brace treatment cause delays in their treatment. As a result the problem becomes a little more advanced. However, there is an orthodontic treatment that patients who do not like the appearance of braces and do not want to use braces can benefit from. This treatment is invisalign treatment (wireless orthodontics).
For more detailed information, you can check out our article "Transparent Plaque F.A.Q"
Invisalign treatment is a wireless orthodontic treatment method. The aim is to correct your teeth with transparent plaques that are customized to your teeth using digital orthodontic treatment technology. It is preferred because crooked teeth treatment is possible with transparent plaques without using braces.
This treatment, which can be applied in different cases, is personalized for each individual. Therefore, Invisalign transparent plaque prices may vary.
The features of wireless orthodontic treatment are as follows:
Teeth move without braces as follows:
Wireless orthodontic treatment has a different technique from traditional wire treatment, but there is no difference in terms of applicability. Therefore, it can be applied in every orthodontic treatment.
Since the treatment can be used for different dental disorders, the prices of clear aligners may vary as well.
Invisalign treatment can be applied to both adult and child patients. However, the suitability of the patient should be evaluated first with a doctor's examination.
In children all primary teeth should have fallen out and at least the second molars should have almost erupted. Therefore, it is suitable to start treatment around the age of 13-14.
The objectives of wireless orthodontic treatment are as follows:
The procedures that need to be applied during the treatment may vary. Therefore, the prices of transparent aligners may also vary. For accurate information, it is necessary to consult with a dentist.
Initially, during the adjustment period you may feel pressure on your teeth. But this is the result of the force that needs to be applied for your teeth to move. It is normal until the adjustment period is over and there will be no severe pressure or pain afterwards. It is a comfortable treatment method.
Transparent plaques should be changed every 15 days. Your appointments are usually scheduled monthly and you will be given 2 new custom-made transparent plaque at each visit.
You should wear the transparent plaques for an average of 20 hours a day. You can only remove them when eating or brushing your teeth. In exceptional cases, you can remove them for a maximum of 1-2 hours upon your request without any problem.
You can clean your transparent plaques twice a day with a toothbrush in the morning and in the evening. Be careful not to use very cold or very hot water and use lukewarm water instead.
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