Digital Impression and Scanning
In traditional dentistry, measurements of teeth and jaws for procedures such as prostheses, coatings, and fillings are taken using dough inside metal spoon. However, this method can trigger gagging reflexes in patients and does not always provide accurate results. In digital dentistry, the teeth are scanned with an optical camera and transferred to the computer in 3D. This process is possible with digital impression and scanning systems.
What is Impression and Scanning?
Digital measurement is a system that ensures the production of appropriate teeth in the mouth by using intraoral scanners and millimetric measurement capabilities in dentistry. In this application, measurements are taken with camera systems and similar applications. The advantages of using intraoral cameras are particularly obtained.
What are Intraoral Camera and Impression and Scanning Methods?
digital impression and scanning methods are as follows:
- The first method is to take the patient's oral measurements using a plaster model using classic methods. Then the oral measurements are transferred to the computer environment using an intraoral scanner. However, this method is not recommended as it has a high error rate.
- The second method is to take the patient's oral measurements using an intraoral camera. The measurements taken by 3D modeling are transferred to the computer environment. This way, a more accurate and error-free measurement process is performed. There is an error rate of one in a thousand. Many applications can be performed by preferring Cad/Cam systems. It is a method that is preferred more than the first method today.
What is Cad/Cam System?
Cad/Cam system is a computer-aided design and manufacturing system. It has been used since the early 1980s and has undergone significant development with advancing technology.
It is based on the process of capturing oral measurements using an intraoral camera and digital impression and scanning system, then transferring them to a computer, and finally producing the final product using milling machines. Traditional methods can take weeks to complete. However, Cad/Cam systems can complete the treatment in the same session, providing a faster and more comfortable treatment. Therefore, it is frequently preferred method in present day.
Steps of Intraoral Camera and Impression and Scanning
The steps of digital measurement using an intraoral scanner are:
- Patient's oral cavity is scanned and a three-dimensional measurement is taken by the intraoral camera.
- The 3D visual model obtained from the measurement is transferred to the computer using the intraoral scanner. 3D oral model image on computer reduces error with measurements. With this process, the error rate in oral measurement is reduced to as low as 1/1000. Creates precise design models for prosthetics. Therefore, digital impression and scanning systems are the most ideal method for both obtaining the most appropriate
What is the Duration of Impression and Scanning?
The process of taking digital measure takes approximately 3 or 5 minutes. It is possible to measure and prepare new teeth within the same day.
What are the Fields of Use for Impression and Scanning Systems?
The fields of use for digital measure are as follows:
- Porcelain bridge preparation
- Various types of tooth coating
- Laminate coating preparation
- Oral measurement
- Porcelain crown preparation
- Inlay filling
- Onlay filling
What are the Advantages of Using an Intraoral Camera?
The advantages of using digital impression and scanning systems are as follows:
- The error rate of dentists and dental technicians is eliminated by using an intraoral camera.
- Measurement is completed in one session.
- Patients' expectations and aesthetic appearance expectations are fully met as a result of tooth treatment.
- The duration of tooth treatment is reduced to a minimum.
- The reactions such as nausea and vomiting that occur during classical tooth measurement are eliminated.