The majority of people who have dental problems and need dental treatment are faced with a feeling of fear. Fear of the dentist has become stressful for many. However, today, all kinds of dental treatment ends with zero pain. However, sitting in the dentist's chair is a scary situation for most people.
Patients who postpone their dental treatment because of their fears are exposed to cavities, tooth loss, other diseases caused by oral problems, but also cause their lives to be adversely affected by aesthetic disorders and unbearable pains.
What is Fear of the Dentist?
Fear of the dentist is also known as dentophobia. Dentophobia is a condition encountered in most people today. Painful and traumatic situations that people encounter during their treatment are one of the most important factors that cause dentophobia. At the same time, the disinterested and cold attitude of the dentist also has a negative effect on the patients.
Why Is A Person Afraid Of The Dentist?
Studies have revealed that there are two different reasons for fear of the dentist:
Patient's Previous Experiences of Traumatic Events
Situations such as the patient's severe pain due to dental diseases or gum diseases bring the fear of going to the dentist in some people. Because although it is not true, it is thought that when you go to the dentist, you will be faced with more pain.
Sometimes, what is told from the environment can cause such a fear to occur in the person. Especially the stories told in childhood create a traumatic effect even for people who have never been to the dentist before.
The fact that children are frightened by the adults about the dentist, and that the treatment done by the dentist is shown to children as a punishment, also causes fear of the dentist.
Dentist's Careless Attitude
The careless attitude of the dentist is a situation that causes distrust in the patient. Therefore, the anxiety experienced can turn into dentophobia over time.
Regardless of the reason for the fear of the person, the approach of the dentist to the patient is of great importance in minimizing the fear. For this reason, when choosing your dentist, it will be the best choice to get advice from your environment or to talk to the dentist directly before the treatment.
Advice for People with Fear of the Dentist
If you have a fear of the dentist, you can consider the following recommendations:
- You should always keep in mind that advanced techniques such as general anesthesia and sedation may be an alternative for individuals with extreme fear. This will make you feel much more comfortable.
- You should choose a friendly and caring dentist who makes you feel comfortable and safe.
- You can talk to your dentist about your fears before starting the treatment. In this way, your dentist will help you in the most accurate way to overcome your fear.
- You can ask your dentist to explain the whole procedure step by step before starting the treatment. Some people are more afraid when they learn the procedures. Therefore, you should proceed in the way you feel comfortable.
- If you are afraid of the dentist, you should take a deep breath and try to relax and get away from instant stress.
- Making your appointments in the morning will make you feel more comfortable.
- You will be relieved to get to know and examine the clinic, ask questions to the staff, and observe the personnel and equipment before the procedure. Therefore, you can visit the clinic before the treatment.
- Even if you don't have a problem, you should go to the dentist regularly. In this way, you can both avoid big transactions that may be needed in the future and get used to the environment more easily.
- Dentistry technologies and treatment techniques have advanced considerably in recent years to increase your comfort. In this way, you are prevented from feeling any pain during the treatment. The equipment used has been developed so that you do not feel pain or pain after the treatment.