Unfortunately, it is not enough to have perfect teeth for an aesthetic smile. At the same time, the gums that surround and grip the teeth should be healthy and look healthy. For this reason, gingival aesthetics should be given as much importance as the importance given to teeth whitening. At this point, pink aesthetics comes into play.
What is Pink Aesthetics?
In people who want to have an aesthetic smile, aesthetic smile cannot be achieved with only white and smooth teeth. For this reason, the presence of gingival compatible with the teeth is extremely important.
Pink aesthetic is the name given to the aesthetic applications made on the gums. Elements that define dental aesthetics include:
- Dental health,
- Color of the gum,
- Gums position to the teeth.
How Does Healthy Gum Look?
The most important feature that shows that the gingiva is healthy is its light pink color. In addition, the gingiva should not have a rough and shiny appearance like orange peel. At the same time, the gum should be firmly attached to the tooth and bone.
What are the Methods Used in Treatment?
Various methods are used in the treatment of pink aesthetics. In this way, it is possible to choose the method that will give you the most suitable and most effective result.
The methods used in the treatment are as follows:
Regenerative Process
Regenerative treatment is a method of treating periodontal gingivitis, which is called periodontal disease, by stimulating certain mechanisms in the patient's body as a result of damage to the gums. In this way, a new support structure is created.
Gingivectomy Procedure in Pink Aesthetic Treatment
Gingivectomy is the process of removing excess gum from areas of gingival enlargement and dense pockets. After the procedure, a form suitable for the gum is created and an aesthetic appearance is provided.
Gummy Smile Treatment
Gummy smile is a condition that expresses the appearance of the gums more than normal when the person is talking or laughing. It is known as the gum smile. Pink has an important place in aesthetic treatment.
Gummy smile treatment includes gingivoplasty, crown lengthening and botox. Among these procedures, the most suitable one is selected and an effective treatment is performed.
Gingivoplasty Procedure
Gingivoplasty is applied for gums that appear too much or gums with an irregular appearance. Local anesthesia is administered to patients during the procedure. In this way, the patient is treated without pain. If necessary, some porcelain can be used for treatment.
Crown Lengthening Procedure
It is a method used to give the teeth a long appearance. Today, it is done in a short time with the laser system.
Botox is a form of treatment used in cases where surgical procedures cannot be applied. When smiling, the muscles that pull the lip up are weakened by botox process and gummy smile is prevented.
In Which Situations Is Pink Aesthetic Treatment Used?
Pink aesthetic treatment can be used in the following cases:
- In anterior gingival discoloration
- In the presence of excessively visible gums while smiling
- In gingival recessions
- In case the gingival levels are not at the same level as the anterior teeth
- For reasons such as aesthetic appearance
What are the Advantages of Treatment?
The advantages of pink aesthetic treatment are as follows:
- It prevents tooth infections.
- It ensures that the tooth structures reach the required alignment.
- Eliminates smile problems and aesthetic appearance concerns.
- It ensures the health of the tissues supporting the teeth.
- It allows the tooth lengths to be arranged according to other teeth.
- It prevents tooth loss.
How long is the recovery period?
Recovery time in pink aesthetic application varies according to the type of treatment. Therefore, an exact time cannot be given. However, the recovery period in general varies between 1 and 7 days.
What Should Be Considered After Pink Aesthetic Treatment?
Your tooth brushing habit is of great importance in the post-treatment period. Because oral and dental hygiene is very important in the healing process. In addition, oral care is a very important factor between sessions.
After the treatment, a soft-bristled toothbrush should be selected and mouthwash should be used. Brushing your teeth twice a day, in the morning and evening, and using mouthwash once will be sufficient.