Tooth decay is one of the conditions that reduces the quality of life and negatively affects social life. Because it greatly affects oral health and aesthetics. When not diagnosed and treated early, it causes various diseases to occur. For this reason, tooth decay should be prevented, and if dental caries occurs, it should be treated in the early period.
What is Tooth Decay?
When adequate oral care and hygiene is not provided, tooth enamel deteriorates due to bacteria and acids accumulating in the mouth. As a result of the disappearance of the enamel that protects the tooth, the tooth remains vulnerable. As a result of bacteria and microbes attacking the pulp, tooth decay occurs.
How Long Does Tooth Decay Progress?
Dental caries tends to spread continuously if precautions are not taken. Dental caries progresses depending on the person's nutrition, genetics and the importance given to oral care and hygiene. Therefore, this period varies from person to person.
Can Tooth Decay Be Prevented?
Preventing decay is in one's own hands. Therefore, it is possible to prevent dental caries. Here's what you can do to prevent cavities:
- Dentist check every 6 months
- Regular brushing of teeth twice a day
- Avoiding acidic and sugary foods
- Using dental floss
- Avoidance of smoking and alcohol
What Are the Harms of Tooth Decay?
Tooth decay causes various problems. These problems are as follows:
- Tooth loss and deterioration of tooth structure
- Unbearable toothaches, headaches and earaches
- Reduction in chewing
- Gum disorders and inflammations
- Bad breath
- Ear and throat infections
- Teeth grinding
- Liver problems
- Speech disorders
- Rheumatism
- Stomach ailments
Which Diseases Cause Tooth Decay?
Tooth decay causes the following diseases:
Heart Conditions
As a result of the researches, it has been seen that bacteria entering the body through the mouth can cause vascular occlusion, stroke or heart attack. Bacteria remaining in the mouth are digested in the body and mixed with the blood. It reaches the heart through the blood and can cause a dangerous infection known as Infective Endocarditis.
Premature birth
Studies show that mothers of babies born prematurely have dental problems or gum disease during pregnancy. Bacteria found in teeth can pass to many organs and affect these organs.
During pregnancy, if a mother has dental problems such as tooth decay, bacteria from her mouth can reach the placenta. Therefore, it may affect the unborn baby and cause it to have less body weight than healthy babies and cause the mother to face premature birth. Therefore, pregnant women should visit the dentist regularly.
Gum Diseases
Neglecting oral care does not only cause tooth decay. At the same time, gum disease can occur due to plaque in the mouth. This disease occurs in your mouth and when bacteria in the mouth is digested with food, it also affects the organs.
There are three stages of gum disease:
- In the first stage, called gingivitis, excessive plaque formation in the gums causes inflammation. As a result, swelling of the gums occurs. This problem can be solved by brushing the teeth regularly and using dental floss.
- In the second and third stages, the bones and tissues in the mouth are severely affected. As the accumulated plaque deforms the teeth, irreversible damage occurs. Appropriate treatment should be applied according to the severity of the damage. If treatment is not applied, gum diseases can result in tooth loss.
Dental caries can also cause pneumonia. Because bacteria entering the body from the mouth or other places reach the lungs and cause lung infection. Pneumonia is extremely dangerous, especially for older patients.